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Have I Got The Right Sheep for You

Have I Got The Right Sheep for You

5.842 9

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Have I Got The Right Sheep for You

A sheep dealer in the sheep market was selling sheep like mad. Just imagine being in Texas heard the auctioneer cling at a blazing fast pitch to the point the talk is so fast it is a blurring sound, and in-between the cry of a sheep. Okay now lets go further. Just image. everyone talking like that throwing up fingers and counting money. That's fast, real fast. Now lets top it off with whip cream as if it was cake. Just imagine the deals are going down and old women and old men getting their animal joys off grabbing and feeling nipples and scrotums, and the poor sheep feeling invaded. You see the old woman telling her husband which or good and the old man telling his sone which to bargain for. What a culture. You know just imagine that they do this to men and women before signing the deal in a wedding. The old woman could grab on to some future husbands scrotum , jiggle it around, and squeeze, test for fullness and then tell her husband what to ask for in the bargaining before everything is agreed on for a marriage. The the Mother of the groom gets t.o do the same to the Bride that might be in the looking and decide just but a few grabs and jiggles who's great are going to be best for breast feeding and won't dry out too soon, not to mention who has the better happy pocket for when there's nothing to do in the desert on a windy night when you want to keep out the sand. Opps that's pleasurable. What I really meant to say is who will be best at a sure thing child delivery. With all that said and don't. I began to see the sheep and camel market more relating to human beings. Like the women covered had very broad hips high enough to be a life boat on Noah's Arc for two giraffes or hippos. When you get out of the big cities in Morocco, they don't see much in tourist in relation to wires. Nor are there movie houses to appreciate western concepts. Last but most important, not everyone can afford a dish when there is no electricity. In their mind the man , the woman, the child , and the sheep share the same towel, after it's been washed off.

Commenti 9

  • Berthold Klammer 28/02/2014 20:52

    Once again a story put into a frame, perfect!
    And here you documented from the other side
    of our planet how economy works, here getting
    perhaps a few coins. In New York traders
    are getting worried when their bonus decends below
    a million....
  • mario valentini 28/02/2014 20:06

    Very good photo,and moment, in black white.
  • Lene Thomsen 28/02/2014 13:09


    very good indeed :-)

  • Frederick Mann 28/02/2014 9:24

    agrees with Inez
  • Dr. Labude 27/02/2014 11:03

    Prof. Capers explains the world. With testicles. Never will see sheep with the same eyes. My laugh of the day.
  • Dr. Labude 27/02/2014 11:02

    Prof. Capers explains the world. With testicles. My laugh of the day. Never will see sheep with the same eyes again.
  • Ken Piros 27/02/2014 10:56

    Another great environmental portrait coupled with a strong description of the philosophy of the sheep market.
  • Gianluca Mariani Nature Photographer 27/02/2014 10:42

    Complimenti!!! Ottimo scatto. Buon click ciao.
  • Inez Correia Marques 27/02/2014 10:29

    but it is like that in our own culture , Glenn not so graphic but still the same ..the world system sees value in things that can be sold, or in things that makes the self prosper . Mamon still reigns and will do so as long as the "world " stands ...How many people look at you or me and evaluate how much are we worth to them? !!!
    Wonderful photo taken from a good pov , that includes the viewer in the barganing !
    have a wonderful and blessed day


Cartelle Morocco
Visto da 5.842


Fotocamera Olympus M1
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