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Holy Highway to Internet Love

Holy Highway to Internet Love

23.482 78 Galleria

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Holy Highway to Internet Love

Two nuns sit glued to their laptop screens while on the internet. I couldn't help but think of how religion has found a divine way to be apart of society without criticizing those that pioneered internet dating. SO I guess for the purest of pure, a good nun would be best for marriage should she jump ship for a lesser holy matrimonial life with a man looking for the same. Until then they just might be holy bad girls and bad boys on a wireless swing.

Thank you Apple iPhone 5s for allowing me to grab this fun shot. In Costa Rica while being a tourist. :)

Commenti 78


Cartelle Costa Rica
Visto da 23.482


Fotocamera iPhone 5s
Obiettivo iPhone 5s back camera 4.12mm f/2.2
Diaframma 2.2
Tempo di esposizione 1/30
Distanza focale 4.1 mm
ISO 125


Galleria (Persone)
08/05/2014 90 Pro / 10 Contra

Hanno messo mi piace

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