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Holzauge sei wachsam.

Holzauge sei wachsam.

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Holzauge sei wachsam.

Nach Ausschnitts-Anpassung.

Commenti 3

  • Helene Åvall 01/03/2011 21:56

    Aha..not "one" right :( Thanks you for told me it was an retriver and Kauskisk Ovtjarka.
    Very big and handsome.
    Does he told when it´s arrives visitors to you??

    I have 3 dogs; 2 chines crested on 1½ years and one on 3 years..and so I have an English Setter on 9 years.

    I really love my dogs, they are my true followers all over, when I am out with my camera, hihi

    Before, I have had 6 collies during 30 years. The last one, went to the dogs heaven a year ago. I still miss her a lot.

    HUgs from
  • Helene Åvall 27/02/2011 3:41

    Lovely dog..do not dare take away the trees, hihi

    What kind of dog did you have?? ...maybe I can see a Leonberger and something more...a German Shepherd???
  • Lucky66 23/02/2011 19:45

    Er/Sie kann wohl nicht gegen die Natur...LG Lucky66