1.007 13

Bernd R

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Commenti 13

  • ReHase 12/01/2004 20:36

    Mir fällt dazu ein:
    I am the god of hell fire
    and I bring you fire ......

    LG Renate
  • Rafael Mucha 02/11/2003 15:38

    So einfach, aber so wunderschön umgesetzt!!!!!!
  • Ilona B. 27/10/2003 23:27

    tolles foto und sehr schöne farben........
    lg ilona
  • C. Engel 27/10/2003 23:06

    Hui .... endlich mal ein Pic, bei dem einem warm wird, bei der Kälte da draussen .... klasse Idee und Motiv !!!
    Gruß, Connie
  • Kees Koomans 26/10/2003 19:09

    Tolles Bild, gefällt mir sehr gut.

    Gruss. Kees.
  • Bernd R 26/10/2003 18:56

    Und etwas Text gibts auch noch als Nachtisch:

    Animals - Home Cookin`

    You hear that sound
    Thats the sound of little feet
    Running away from home
    Little feet are always running away from home
    To find bigger feet
    And they usually end up getting kicked in the head

    I joined the navy at the age of seventeen
    There were lots of places I had not been
    I had a dream in my head about a little Japanese girl
    And it wasn't till I sailed halfway 'round the world
    You know, you know
    I miss good lookin' women in my home town
    You know I miss warm cookin' mama, that you lay down

    I found myself
    On the 'frisco Bay
    Getting high off the wind
    A different chick every day
    It wasn't till I found
    Myself down Mexico way
    With tears in my eyes
    I was hurt to ?
    You know, Lord I said...
    I miss good lookin' women in my home town
    You know I miss the home cookin' mama, that you lay down

    So here I am
    A million miles away from home
    But I really do believe someday my time will come
    Then I'll return the prodigal son
    Spend the rest of my days loving every single last one
    Yes, I miss good lookin' women in my home town
    Yeah, you know I miss good lookin' women, that you lay down
    You know I miss the good cookin' mama, that you used to lay down
    You know I miss good lookin' women
    Women, women, women, here women there women everywhere
    old MacDonald had a farm on the farm he had some women here,
    Women there women everywhere
    Now, women, women
    I miss good lookin' women in my hometown
    I miss good lookin' women that I lay down....

    Vermutlich besser als das Rezept ;-))
  • Werner M. 26/10/2003 18:55

    fantastic cooking
    lg Werner
  • Bernd R 26/10/2003 18:44

    @ Charlotte, ich hatte alles unter Kontrolle. Ich kenne mich da aus ;-)
    Und was war es ... na ja nichts besonderes ...
  • Charlotte Steffan 26/10/2003 18:36

    Bist du sicher, dass das cooking war und nicht burning?? Würde mich auch interessieren, was du da gekocht hast!!??
    Gut sieht's jedenfalls aus!
    LG Charlotte
  • Bernd R 26/10/2003 18:06

    ... ach ja, geschmeckt hat es natürlich auch.
  • draußen gibt`s nur kännchen 26/10/2003 18:03

    Essen is fertisch !!

    MfG Mathias
  • Bernd R 26/10/2003 18:02

    @ Simon, ich kann dich beruhigen, es hat nicht gebrannt ;-)