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Da ich leider gerade zuwenig Zeit habe, um die ganze Geschichte nochmal zu tippen kopiere ich dir englische Fassung von meinem Blog hier herein, bitte seht mir das nach.

You know that normally I don’t write much about my photos. Today it’s different because a) I’m thinking about doing it regularly as it might be of interest for some and b) because the story makes me sad today. Especially because I’m a vegan and maybe people like me even love animals more than other people do. Anyway… on my way to work I saw that guy sitting on the ground, leaning against a wall and holding a sign. I first walked past him but as I still had some minutes left before I had to start working I walked back and read the sign he was holding. I asked him if it was ok to take a photo and he agreed. We started talking. He told me that he’s from Lithuania and he’s travelling all over Europe, living more or less on the streets, sometimes working, sometimes chilling, living a free life. His best friend was a dog, some kind of shepherd’s dog. The guy didn’t have a leash for his dog and no muzzle but, out of provocation as he supposed, the cops asked him to have all of that. So they had an argument and the cops arrested him. The next day he got free again but his dog was gone and when he asked the cops where his dog was all he got for an answer was “He ran away.” So… now he’s on hunger strike as he thinks the cops took his dog to some sort of animal shelter or something and just won’t tell him. Today was day 4 of his strike and I really look up to people who are courageous enough to do something like that.

His sign says: “I’m on hunger strike because of my friend, the dog, which the police took away from me”.

Something I also liked about that guy was that his shirt said “forever free” which really suits him well.

Commenti 2

  • Lacrima Ferres 26/09/2010 2:34

    Ich finde die Aufnahme klasse

    Aber die Geschichte dahinter trifft mich.
    Wenn ich mir vorstelle, ich wüsste nicht wo mein Hund ist, wies ihm geht, was mit ihm gemacht wurde usw ....

    Ich kann nicht nachvollziehen, wieso man zwei Lebewesen, die sich nahe stehen auseinanderreißt.
    Sollte sowas nicht über Bürokratie und Regeln wie Leinenzwang stehen?
    Wenn sies so genau nehmen mim Leinenzwang, hätte se ihm halt eben ne Leine in die Hand drücken sollen -.-

    Aber ich kann Björn nur zustimmen, es gibt Hunde, die brauchen keine Leine.
    Ich hab für unsren so gut wie nie eine Leine benutzt, schon allein, weil mir das irgendwie wiederstrebt.
  • Björn Lexius Photography 15/06/2010 21:32

    ich denke er will damit einfach nur auf die ungerechtigkeit aufmerksam machen. was ihm in meinem fall gelungen ist.
    ich kenne menschen, die ihre hunde so "erzogen" haben, dass sie wirklich niemals eine leine brauchen und der hund selbst in "wilden" situationen auf sie hört und reagiert.