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I did like her smile, ihr mandelaugen and was fascinated von sein tief stimme;-)

I did like her smile, ihr mandelaugen and was fascinated von sein tief stimme;-)

10.075 25

Bin Im Laden


I did like her smile, ihr mandelaugen and was fascinated von sein tief stimme;-)


There may be hundred of thousands katoys (lady boys) in Thailand.
They are quite well accepted by Thai society and add much flavour to daily life.
Obwohl naturally not all parents absolutely happy about how their offspring turned out.
Beware of the bad brand who try to pickpocket you while embracing;-))).
Many of those are just verkleidet gangsters who like to approach you after dark in Lumbini Park or poor lit parts of an Avenue, street or small lane!
But fortunately in vergleich their number is small und tut nicht wirklich schmälern the fun that katoys can offer by their extravagant behaviour.

In Bangkok are plenty of splendid wats........but surely still more seductive katoys
In Bangkok are plenty of splendid wats........but surely still more seductive katoys
Bin Im Laden

Penang is a good place to test your enlightenment
Penang is a good place to test your enlightenment
Bin Im Laden


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