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I hate this winter coat!

I hate this winter coat!

513 15


Premium (World), München

I hate this winter coat!

Originally - Wanted: Suitable Title

Young penguin taken through glass at Hellabrunn Zoo, Munich a few months ago.

Can you suggest a suitable title?

Junger Pinguin durch Glas aufgenommen. Hellabrunner Zoo, München vor eingen Monaten.

Titelvorschlag gesucht.

Commenti 15

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  • KasiaDesign 07/09/2006 22:19

    @Marcus, I like that one! Sorry, took me a few days longer to answer:-(
    @Side, Pinguin im Schafspelz - klingt wie gegensätze, aber so schaut er aus!
    @Armin, good idea at those temperatures!
    @Armin, der wollte sicher schnell da weg und schönere Klamotten anziehen!
  • Armin Leitner 24/08/2006 4:24

    ...ja übrigens: ich habe diesen Käfig aufgegeben. Die dicke Scheibe ruiniert die besten Szenen im Frack.
    LG - Armin
  • Armin Leitner 09/08/2006 17:25

    Anyone got a cup of tea - with rum ?
  • Side V 18/07/2006 20:22

    immer noch keinen passenden titel...?
    ich finde er hat was vom pinguin im schafspelz...
    an ihm kann man sich gar nicht sattsehen...
    definitiv mein lieblingsarktiker...
  • Marcus aka Megge L 14/07/2006 20:11

    «I'm only dreamin'»

    Kathryn, not an easy one to make up one's mind - I gave it a shot nonetheless. (only took me twelve days *ggg*)

    Have a great weekend.
    Cheers, Marcus
  • Bob Porter 08/07/2006 19:30

    Yes, you do have a good point there. After all they do live at the South Pole. What's so smart about that? :)
    Probably just day dreaming about fish. :)
  • Bob Porter 07/07/2006 23:18

    He may be thinking.."My beak seams too big for my head but my head seams too small for my body and my feet...oh nooo !! I can't see my feet !! :))
  • Manfred 03/07/2006 23:19


    LG Manfred
  • KasiaDesign 03/07/2006 22:39

    @Robert, do you mean he's got his "bearskin" on the wrong way round:-)) ?
  • Robert Riley 03/07/2006 22:38

    I would like to be 'On Guard' outside Buckingham Palace.
  • KasiaDesign 03/07/2006 21:27

    @Jacky, the winter coat definitely looks cuddly & warm. Nice idea!
    @Yasser, thanks. My young model does seem to be day dreaming!
    @Mark, it was mid winter so I guess your first suggestion is closer - he'd finally be allowed into the main pool to play with the older kids. Mind you, we now have >30° and he's probably wishing it was winter again:-))
    @Side, danke! Yeah, I agree he is wondering whether to take off the thick jacket or not:-)
  • Side V 03/07/2006 12:57

    der überlegt wohl noch ob er die dicke jacke auszieht!
    der ist ja die krönung...so was süsses.
    und super eingefangen...mit seinem gesichtsausdruck.lg
  • Mark Page 03/07/2006 10:45

    What about " Can't Wait 'till Summer "

    or even " I hate Summer ! "

    Great capture Kathryn.
  • Yasser Metwally 03/07/2006 1:54

    Excellent ,, very nice posing ,, how about ( day dreams) ? very nice pictuer
  • Jacky Kobelt 02/07/2006 21:07

    Wintercoat- Pengy






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