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....I live with the memories, regret is my home...

....I live with the memories, regret is my home...

2.042 7

Model INA

Free Account, Darmstadt

....I live with the memories, regret is my home...

Vielen Dank an FEISEL. G für das schöne Shooting, es hat mir sehr viel Spass gemacht und ich freue mich bereits auf ein weiteres! :-)

A bitter, sinking feeling
Awake to the fact there's no going back
To the world in which I was living
I'm searching for something, but found less than nothing
I watch the rising sun

I hope I find some peace today
It seems I've gone away
It seems I've lost myself
It seems I've really lost my way
It seems I've lost my self
It seems I've...

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