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Sandra Lambert

Free Account, Chazey sur Ain

In loving memory

This photo has no technical value, nor artistic...
I just wanted to wanted to share a last moment with "Hasta Siempre", our horse, who has left us on sunday after an accident.
Too early for us... he was young and still had many years to share with us... life has decided otherwise... too badly wounded, we have chosen not to let him suffer... and we hope that now, he canters in the green pasture of Horses' Paradise !
Aucune vocation artistique pour cette photo.
Il s'agit d'Hasta Siempre, l'un de nos chevaux, qui nous a quitté ce dimanche... Gravement blessé suite à un accident, nous avons fait le choix d'abréger ses souffrances. Il est parti trop vite, trop tôt... nous avions encore tant de choses à partager... la vie en a décidé autrement...
Va mon bel Hasta ! Désormais, tu es libre de galoper au Paradis des chevaux !

Commenti 4

  • Dianna 21/04/2007 4:53

    This photo brought tears to my eyes!
    Lovely words and lovely horse....so sorry for your loss.
    You did the right thing to stop the suffering.
    Beautiful tribute!
  • Véronique Soulier 20/04/2007 22:17

    Nice tribute.. avec laphoto avec les mots.. bye~bye VS
  • Lovisa Lagerquist 08/03/2007 18:08

    Though you said it wasn't the best pic, it's very beautiul anyhow. With the story it's just taking grab of you. I wish you luck without him..."/

    Best wishes
    Lovisa Lagerquist
  • Dominique Duriot 06/03/2007 17:03

    Triste, tres triste, j'imagine ta peine...;(((
    Hasta Siempre je te souhaite aussi de galoper libre et heureux au paradis des animaux!