Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

In Punta Arenas

rows of precisely clipped cedars in the cemetery of Punta Arenas - except they missed a small area on the right - in the far distance a grave marker ..... and we saw other trees in a small park shaved like this :-))

Punta Arenas is the capital city of Chile's southernmost region, Magallanes and Antartica Chilena. It is the largest city south of the 46th parallel. Punta Arenas was originally established by the Chilean government in 1848 as a tiny penal colony....

Commenti 35


Cartelle Chile,, Costa Rica
Visto da 17.813


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Obiettivo Unknown 4-215mm
Diaframma 3.4
Tempo di esposizione 1/60
Distanza focale 4.3 mm
ISO 160

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