3.066 6

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

In the village 2

In a certain village
"The kafeneion" In the central square

"The kafeneion"
"The kafeneion" is the... cafeteria normally located in the central square. It's the beating heart of the village, open throughout the day except the church hours in Sunday mornings. One can seek all sort of information there concerning the local soceity, the activities taking place, the items sold in the various shops,the where abouts of locals, incidents of their private lives, benefits or mishaps concerning the village community a kind of..."yellow Pages" and Google together!... With a greek coffee and a cigarette the local gossip will be unveiled and confirmed within minutes... After all, the central square itself is the heart of political agreggations, weddings and all sort of festivities regarding the village. It, somehow, represents the "Assembly" of ancient Athens( eccleseia of Demos) where everything is being discussed but....not always decided!

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Visto da 3.066


Fotocamera Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 8000 ED
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