1.195 2


Premium (World)


'' How ... how to protect you from all evils ... you do not understand me even harder than you ...''

Commenti 2

  • Ben Hollander 25/01/2014 13:37

    Wat een engeltje.
    Je zou bijna denken dat ze echt is.
    Zou ze ook kunnen vliegen?

  • Carlos García Jiménez 19/01/2014 21:26

    Because you can´t

    Is our fate, our road to be traveled, on the road she´ll learn what's good and what's wrong..all of us did it and here we are some are good some not that nice..but as Salmons in the river we come back.we are survivors , and if she fail you´ll be there to support her in the bad times you see the color of your blood..not when life smiles..

    Just that
