4.946 4

Is not a movie

Rome, March 2020. It's all true, even outside the small shops there is a row of frightened customers waiting calmly at a safe distance from each other. Now accustomed to a reality not even remotely imaginable just a few weeks ago. Mirror of how every human being can adapt to any situation that until yesterday had only seen in old war films.

Commenti 4

In questa foto, Piergiuseppe Cancellieri desidera ricevere feedbacks costruttivi. Siete invitati a contribuire con consigli sulla composizione della foto, tecnica, linguaggio metaforico, ecc (Si prega di rispettare la netiquette!)


Visto da 4.946


Fotocamera SM-G950F
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 1.7
Tempo di esposizione 1/210
Distanza focale 4.2 mm
ISO 40

Hanno messo mi piace