Israeli military snipers in East Jerusalem

Israeli occupation forces on the historic city walls of the old city. Pointing the gun to the square of Damascus Gate. Other snipers are located above the square of Herods Gate.
The square of Damascus Gate is a buzzling trading place where people meet for a chat. Ordinary people who sit in the beautiful spring sun were forced by the occupation soldiers to leave the square.
I asked a lady who was forced to leave what the soldiers told her. She said because of a "new law" she should have to leave, she doesn´t believe them but added: "They (the Israeli occupation power) behave like this because they can."

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Cartelle Jerusalem
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Fotocamera NIKON D5100
Obiettivo Unknown (-2147483648)
Diaframma 8
Tempo di esposizione 1/250
Distanza focale 52.0 mm
ISO 100