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it starts raining again..

it starts raining again..

752 3

Christoph Schleiss

Free Account, Malters

it starts raining again..

An dem Tag war mir der Wettergott noch nicht wirklich wohl gesonnen.
Immer wieder schickte er neue Regenschauer über's Land.

KB-Brennweite ca. 130mm, Blende 11
Ausschnitt 67%, Vormittags

Commenti 3

  • Ana Boleyn 27/05/2005 8:16

    wunderschön - würde am liebsten jetzt sofort in dieses bild 'hineinspringen'
    lg, Ana
  • Karl H 26/05/2005 17:21

    Du warst wenigstens dort, bei uns war das Wetter so schlecht, das wir gar nicht hingekommen sind :-(

    lg Karl
  • Ralf Büscher 26/05/2005 15:32

    Hi Christoph,

    Regen gehört doch dazu ;-)

    Mull Weather
    It rained and rained and rained and rained,
    The average was well maintained;
    And when our fields were simply bogs,
    It started raining cats and dogs.
    After a drought of half an hour,
    There came a most refreshing shower;
    And then the queerest thing of all,
    A gentle rain began to fall.

    Next day 'twas pretty fairly dry,
    Save for a deluge from the sky.
    This wetted people to the skin,
    But after that the rain set in.
    We wondered what's the next we'd get,
    As sure as fate we got more wet.
    But soon we'll have a change again,
    And we shall have

    A drop of rain
