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It’s a long way to the top…….

It’s a long way to the top…….

6.597 31

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

It’s a long way to the top…….

……. if you have to climb a hill at only 0,2 km an hour.

This turtle, the Red-eared slider, is a native of the southern United States, but has become common in various areas of the world due to the pet trade. They are very popular cheap pets in the United States, Canada, Japan, and some parts of Europe (United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany).

However, pet owners of a Red-eared slider often release the reptile into a wild habitat after becoming too big. Since this species is very hardy and adaptable it could compete with and even supplant native species of reptiles that occupy a similar ecological biotope !

The Red-eared slider is completely banned in Australia because of the threat the species poses to wildlife. Anyone who keeps or breeds Red-eared sliders could face fines of more than 100.000$ or five years' jail............!

Dutch name : Roodwangschildpad
German name : Rotwangen-Schmuckschildkröte
Latin name : Trachemys scripta elegans

Commenti 31

  • Vera Böhm 10/03/2011 10:37

    Yes, dear Mark, indeed it’s a very long way to the top,
    but at the right moment the camera have you pulled up. ;-))
    Regards, Vera
  • Günter Nau 19/03/2009 16:07

    Aber auch die werden es vielleicht schneller schaffen als wir, besonders wenn man bedenkt, daß sie viel älter werden als der Mensch.
    Grüße Günter
  • Véronique Soulier 16/03/2009 8:08

    a nice one.. courAge ! bye VS
  • Henry H 11/03/2009 20:50

    Wunderbar, man kann richtig die langsamen Bewegungen sehen.
    VG Henry
  • Anca Silvia B. 11/03/2009 18:15

    Ich finde sie so schön,Mark.
    Liebe Grüsse,Anca
  • Marlies W. 10/03/2009 21:39

    Wunderschön hast du die Rotwangenschildkröte aufgenommen!! Herrlich diese Schärfe, sie schaut richtig gehend nach dir!! Gefällt mir sehr gut!!
    GLG Marlies
  • Luc Grollie 10/03/2009 18:07

    local ponds are filled with these guys....destroying local wildlife.....
    guess you took your "time' on this one.....lol !!!!
  • Hans Fröhler 10/03/2009 17:45

    Eine feine Aufnahme mit einer guten Schärfe.
    LG Hans
  • Adele D. Oliver 10/03/2009 0:04

    Great detail in this beautiful turtle.
    greetings, Adele
  • adriano j faria 09/03/2009 22:53

    It may goes slow.....but he comes to an end,im shure.
    great catch Mark.
    best wishes.
  • Christa Regina 09/03/2009 22:43

    This is a wonderful shot and thanks for your interesting informations. For him it is really a long, long way. :-))
    Best wishes Christa
  • Deryck 09/03/2009 20:26

    It is such a pity that the human species with all it's brain power could not work out the dangers of medling with the eco systems earlier. Then we would not have these problems with alien species.

    This is a wonderful shot and thanks for your interesting info
  • Light Princess 09/03/2009 19:27

    Super composition and detail in this. Interesting info :-)
  • Gunther Hasler 09/03/2009 19:04

    So schön sie anzusehen sind, sie dürfen nicht in der europäischen Natur ausgesetzt werden, was leider immer wieder geschieht. Es gibt ja schon genügend Beispiele für die manchmal katastrophale Auswirkung dieser Neozoa in der Natur...
    Fotografisch jedoch sehr schön eingefangen!
    LG Gunther
  • Josef Kainz 09/03/2009 18:24

    Sehr schön festgehalten
    lg. josef