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Japanese Beatles?!

Japanese Beatles?!

2.126 3

Emily Lynch

Free Account, Somerset, England

Japanese Beatles?!


Commenti 3

  • Adriana Massl 19/06/2009 15:41

    Yes! Abbey Road! It was also my first thought.
    best regards, adriana
  • Emily Lynch 13/06/2009 22:41

    Thanks Sally - this is one of my favourite photos! These guys were so drunk and noisy - the policeman looked angry at first but broke out laughing when the guys shouted something at him in Japanese! The road crossing really reminded me of Abbey Road at the time :) Emily
  • Sally Dunn 13/06/2009 22:39

    Good shot and great title. Yes I think that they think they are the Japanese Beatles!! The policeman and the man next to him are amused but the girls body language says completely the opposite!! Nicely seen.
    Sally Dunn