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Jobs - We need More

Jobs - We need More

2.733 6

Ken Piros

Community Manager, Ohio

Jobs - We need More

Too many unemployed especially among the young adults. The real unemployment numbers don't include hundreds of thousands that have given up or that don't qualify for unemployment benefits. People receiving food stamps are at an all time high. The only jobs available are part time so that they don't have to provide healthcare coverage and then those jobs are mostly in retail or fast food.

Mass layoffs in the healthcare field due to Obama care. Companies laying off thousands more to meet wall street earnings expectations and so that CEO's can get their incentive packages and stock options. And if the companies don't produce the CEO is let go and given huge severance packages.

Commenti 6


Cartelle Vanishing America
Visto da 2.733


Fotocamera NIKON D50
Obiettivo Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF) Macro (A09)
Diaframma 5.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/2500
Distanza focale 60.0 mm
ISO 200