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Commenti 5

  • Suraka 01/10/2012 10:00

    Dear bitterchocolate, (I am writing in english because your profile shows your german isn't so good)

    Allow me to criticize your picture. - Don't get me wrong : Nobody expects you to deliver 1st grade photography from the beginning but this picture has very many things which could be done much better :

    - You have light coming from behind you. This makes your face even darker than it is. Maybe a little bit of flash might have helped.

    - You are standing right next to a shelf whichs screw holes can be seen on the left part of the image. You can also see other distracting things in there. Not very nice :-) You should be the main target of the viewer's eye.

    - The image is full of noise. I guess that is due to the light behind you. Try a different setup.

    - The image is also very blurry (not sharp). Try a quicker shutter release (at least 1/60).

  • Peter Ruhm 02/09/2012 13:34

    @Andreas: Vielleicht betrachtet sie ja jemand als sein "Goldstück" oder "Juwel"? ...aber dann wäre es wohl kein Selbstportrait ;)
    Aber Spaß beiseite, ich denke aus Gold, Silber, Juwelen und dunkler Hautfarbe kann man, auf Grund des Farbkontrastes deutlich mehr machen!!
    Auf gehts bitter... ;)
  • Rautzenberg 04/07/2012 17:56

    Tolles Foto, nettes Model ! Vg.Michael
  • Andreas Florian 04/07/2012 15:12

    Warum in Sektion Gold und Juwelen?


Visto da 1.283


Fotocamera FinePix A500
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 5.5
Tempo di esposizione 1/30
Distanza focale 19.2 mm
ISO 200

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