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Commenti 4

  • Vera M. Shulga 09/02/2012 22:04

  • s. sabine krause 09/02/2012 18:18

    – – ich wollte mir den marsch durch den schnee nicht entgehen lassen, bin aber leider einigemal vom weg abgeirrt und deshalb erst so spät angekommen – –

    "if this is really kafka, we all know he will be out there in the snow forever, trying to reach the ominous castle but lose himself on the way – what a sad case of on the road!" thoughts of an empathatic crow witnessing the scene from his spot in the snowy shrub… ; )) a beautiful and atmospherical winter picture! greetings, sabine.
  • mike snead 09/02/2012 17:42

    top class.
  • laura fogazza 09/02/2012 17:20
