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Free Account, Dubnica nad Vahom

Commenti 6

  • Luciano Leonio 08/09/2010 9:23

    Ottima luce, grande nitidezza!!!!!!
    Felice giornata--
  • Valter Filippeschi 05/09/2010 23:08

    Beautiful photo...full of meanings
    Brava Viera , compliments
  • vasilis valakis 02/09/2010 18:50

    It's very beautiful my dear friend.....
    It's trying to live his life !!!!!
  • s. sabine krause 02/09/2010 9:41

    what great undemanding and adaptable little "impostors": trying to compete with the sun, shining and shining, but never quite suceeding – the sun is still the mighty ruler of all life, grandly allowing the little rock growers to imitate his glory ; )). blooming yellow is always so hard to photograph, at least for me ; )) – but you did a beautiful job here!! greetings, sabine.
  • Vera Shulga 01/09/2010 21:29

    Beautiful photo!
  • Gunti 01/09/2010 16:39

    a very unique place for flowers ! well done Viera I like this one.

    Regards from Cyprus