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Stefan Jiru

Free Account, Prottes

Lily the Pink

We'll drink a drink a drink to
Lily the pink a pink a pink
The saviour of the human race
For she invented medicinal compound
Most efficacious in every case

Mr Frears had sticky out ears
And it made him awful shy
And so they give him medicinal compound
And now he's learning how to fly

Brother Tony was notably bony
He would never eat his meals
And so they give him medicinal compound
Now they move him round on wheels

We'll drink a drink a drink to
Lily the pink a pink a pink
The saviour of the human race
For she invented medicinal compound
Most efficacious in every case

Well Ebeneezer thought he was Juilius Ceasar
And so they put him in a home
Where they give him medicinal compound
And now his emperor of Rome

Johnny hammer had a terrible stammer
He could hardly say a word
And so they give him medicinal compound
And now his seen and never heard

We'll drink a drink a drink to
Lily the pink a pink a pink
The saviour of the human race
For she invented medicinal compound
Most efficacious in every case

Auntie Milly ran willy-nilly
When her legs they did recede
And so they hooked on medicinal compound
Now they call her Millipede

Jenifer Eccles had terrible freckles
And the boys all call her names
But she changed with medinical compound
And now he joins in all their games

We'll drink a drink a drink to
Lily the pink a pink a pink
The saviour of the human race
For she invented medicinal compound
Most efficacious in every case

Lily the pink she turned to drink she
Filled up with parafin inside
And dispite her medicinal compound
Sadly pickalily died

Up to heaven her soul ascended
For the church bells they did ring
She took with her medicinal compound
Hark the herald angels sing

[The Scaffold]


Le mâle
Le mâle
Stefan Jiru

Touch of Pink
Touch of Pink
Stefan Jiru

Commenti 7

  • Stefan Jiru 13/03/2005 13:36

    *g* :-)
  • Stefan Jiru 13/03/2005 13:22

    Oben rechts an der Flasche - das schwarze Dreieck mit dem gelb ausgefressenen Rand. Hat mich irgendwie von Beginn an gestört.
  • Stefan Jiru 13/03/2005 13:09

    Habe ein anderes Ausgangsbild genommen - damit wäre das Problem der seltsamen schwarzen Reflektion im Glas auch bereinigt. Oder ist das gut so?
  • Stefan Jiru 13/03/2005 12:38

    Nein, keine Sorge. Habe dort beim letzten Mal eine absolut tote Nase bekommen, da werde ich mich so schnell nicht wieder blicken lassen ;-)

    Habe bloß einige Parfums hier zusammengesucht und versucht sie in besonderen Lichtsituationen in Szene zu setzen. Das Licht draußen in der Natur ist derzeit nämlich leider unter aller Sau :-(
  • Hartmuth Bendig 13/03/2005 12:35

    Hallo Stefan
    da hast Du wohl einen Ausflug in eine Parfümerie gemacht?
    Eine sehr schöne und interessante Serie
    Gruss aus Bremen
  • Stefan Jiru 13/03/2005 12:05

    So, habe das jetzt anders fertig. Aber hochladen kann ich es erst morgen - habe heute keine Uploads mehr frei. ;-)
  • Stefan Jiru 13/03/2005 11:53

    Findest Du? Ich fand es so etwas unkonventionell - hat mir besser gefallen. Aber ich werd noch eine Version hochladen - mit Kopf ;-)