Little Dreamer

A little dog, so small and spry,
With sparkling eyes beneath the sky,
Dreams of days beyond the yard,
Chasing dreams both near and far.

In his slumber, paws do prance,
Through fields of gold, he takes a chance,
The world unfurls in shades of green,
A place where he's both heard and seen.

He dreams of friends both old and new,
Of bounding hills with morning dew,
The gentle breeze that stirs his fur,
The world outside, a whispered blur.

In his heart, he sees his path,
With wagging tail and joyful laugh,
A life of love, of leaps, of play,
A bright tomorrow on its way.

Poem created by AI - no (C)

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Fotocamera DSLR-A350
Obiettivo Sony DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6 (SAL1870)
Diaframma 5.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/30
Distanza focale 50.0 mm
ISO 400

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