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Lost Souls, bleeding hearts!

Lost Souls, bleeding hearts!

2.203 3

Marcial Franze

Free Account, Freiburg

Lost Souls, bleeding hearts!

spare your trouble...
no composite photograph!

Commenti 3

  • Marcial Franze 01/04/2005 23:53

    thank you guys.

    @ralf: möglicherweise fehlen die kontraste der farben tatsächlich. Ich glaube die beiden Bilder stehen außer Konkurrenz zueinander. die Beleuchtunngssituation hat die Farben ein bischen entstellt, besonders die schattigen regionen. bei diesem exemplar wird halt mehr der Grafiker in mir angesprochen..danke trotzdem!

    @jorge: This is the vietnam memorial in Washington D.C. and completely build of black polished granite. the white lines are the engraved names of the fallen soldiers...

    @jordan: I talked to that guy, standing in front of me, afterwards. I think some hearts are still bleeding...!
  • Jordan Shepler 01/04/2005 22:46

    ya, what they said...
  • Jorge Gonzalez 01/04/2005 11:55

    with composite out the window,i almost thought it was a mirror image because of the backwards 1959....then i noticed the lines on the glass.
    Great shot