1.266 10

Kat Suvorova

Free Account, Moscow

Commenti 10

  • Alexander Koning 01/03/2006 0:23

    This is the best I've seen until now, sure that you are a complete newbie?, I think you show a perfect technique here.
  • Holg.Schmidt 18/01/2006 20:13

    Very nice portrait. The red hair contrasts to the green background!
  • When 12/01/2006 19:04

    Nice portrait. The colors, lighting and expression give a very good mood to it.
  • steffen s... 09/01/2006 19:28

    very interesting portrait of a beautiful woman with wonderful red hair
    ..is it candle-light?
  • Vishwa Kaila 05/01/2006 10:00

    I like the portrait and the mystery about what she is thinking. Well done.
  • Ioan Farcas 22/12/2005 16:12

    Very nice portrait and well balanced in colors!
  • Ray Steinberg 16/12/2005 8:41

    Beautiful portrait. Nicely done. Nice color.

  • Jeremy B 15/12/2005 21:53

    Beautiful. I really like how the warm lighting brings out the red in her hair and complection. I also like the boquet included in the bottom of the frame, and the way that the lighting brings out the contour in her features. Well done and welcome to the FC. Looking forward to seeing more in the future.
  • Kat Suvorova 15/12/2005 20:04

    Thank you. She is not sad, maybe a little. She is think about her new born child. This is ideas about her future.
  • Kim Clauson 15/12/2005 6:20

    A nice image and model. Like the red hair. Wonder why she is so sad?

    Peace, K.C.