3.925 12

Jutta Ploessner

Premium (Basic), Edgewood, British Columbia

Male Wild Turkey

Male wild turkey showing off to the girls outside
our cabin window. They also come for the
sunflower seeds I put out on the window sills,
just as the birds, the squirrels, the chipmunks,
even the deer, and sometimes a mouse.

It's too funny to watch the squirrels burying
their stash of seeds for winter and then the
turkeys come and scratch them all up. :-))

Well, the squirrels don't need to stash --
there's a year-round supply of sunflower seeds
on our window sills ...

Commenti 12

  • Omar Wolocha 13/04/2010 17:05

    Sehr schön eingefangen und Klasse dargestellt.
    lg Omar
  • S Mattox 20/03/2010 5:16

    Great shot! S
  • bbbccc 02/03/2010 5:28

    It sounds like a nice place to live too, so close to nature.
    Well captured and presented.
    Hans from down under
  • s. sabine krause 27/02/2010 9:04

    speaking of being brave, and just to talk turkey ; )): male turkeys are a lot scarier to me than swans!!!! when i was about 4 years old my parents took us kids to a petting zoo that had an enclosure with two "tame" turkeys in it. i walked up to the male to pet him, and he mock-charged! schock fürs leben ; ))! to see them in their natural habitat must be just wonderful, though! beautiful shot of an impressive and imposing animal! greetings, sabine. p.s. this morning a tiny mouse showed up at my rabbit "service station". so i know what you're talking about ; ))…
  • LunA 25/01/2010 13:36

    Ein wirklich scharfes Bild - auch farblich total super !!

    lg Luna
  • Lebe den Augenblick 18/01/2010 15:12

    Tolles Foto! Imposantes Tier !
    GlG :-)) Sambesi
  • Rolf Sjölander 14/01/2010 21:27

    Hi Jutta
    Great picture,
    If they come so close to your cabin then they must be more or less tame.
    And it looks like it's a lot of them?
    Have a wonderful day,
  • CleScho 13/01/2010 18:30

    Sehr schöne Aufnahme, toller Bildaufbau und eine prima Schärfe.
  • Kosche Günther 12/01/2010 14:21

    Liebe Jutta!
    Deine Truthähne sind einfach eine schöne Pracht.Du hast einen richtigen Zoo um Dein Haus,herrlich! Liebe Grüsse Günther
  • JOKIST 12/01/2010 10:01

    Super Bildaufbau und Schärfe !

    LG Ingrid und Hans
  • j.a.j.jansen m. 11/01/2010 17:34

    Well captured that big bird, well done Jutta.
  • Hannes P. 11/01/2010 13:39

    Hallo Jutta,
    prachtvolle Vögel hast du
    prachtvoll ins Bild gesetzt !!
    Tolle Bildschärfe !!

    LG. Hannes
    Birke mit Schnee !!
    Birke mit Schnee !!
    Hannes P.