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Manaca-Iznaga Tower

Manaca-Iznaga Tower

2.911 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Manaca-Iznaga Tower

A story of the construction of the tower is still much debated. According to one legend, the Iznaga brothers made a bet to see who would attain the more fame. Alejo built the 45-meter tower and Pedro constructed a well 28 meters deep. Another legend has it that Alejo had ordered its construction to lock his adulterous wife in.
Over the years, the Manaca-Iznaga Tower has become an architectural and cultural symbol of the most important sugar-producing region in all of Cuba in colonial times. Having escaped unharmed from storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earth tremors and the relentless passage of almost two centuries, it remains an example of vernacular architecture and the best representative of watchtowers built in Cuba.

Commenti 1

  • Benita Sittner 13/01/2015 17:46

    ...von diesen Legenden hatte ich bisher noch nicht gehört...man lernt ja nie aus....schön war es auf jeden Fall dort...und die Aussicht war grandios....Dein Foto ist es ebenso.....VLG Benita


Cartelle En route on Cuba
Visto da 2.911


Fotocamera NIKON D300
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 5
Tempo di esposizione 1/500
Distanza focale 34.0 mm
ISO 200