1.664 4

Peter van Stigt

Free Account, Almere


This aircraft does not exist, it's my own design. This MANTA started its life as an experiment. I was exploring the graphic possibilities of MS Word, a program that is meant to produce textual documents. Word has so-called 'Auto Shapes' that you can use in all shapes, colors and bitmap textures, as an extra to enhance your typography.
The MANTA you see here is built up from close to 100 Word Auto Shapes. I imported the whole thing in PS CS2 and retouched it extensively. Radar scope was stock photo, green HUD symbols, Manta logo and text done by myself.

Gruss Alle.

Commenti 4

  • The Hell-e 20/01/2007 9:30

    THX 4 words and have a nice day...;o)
  • Peter van Stigt 20/01/2007 1:31

    Hi The Hell-e.
    Yes, basically the plane was built up from Word Auto Shapes. Took me about 8 hours, besides post-editing in Photoshop. As to the theme: my intuition and consciousness say 'no more war, let's bring them all home', the mind says 'in this sick world we still seem to need armies to defend our way of life.' I don't want anyone to die, folks. Let me be clear about it...
  • The Hell-e 20/01/2007 1:25

    Hi, wenn ich das mit meinem bissl Englisch richtig verstanden habe ist das Flugzeug mit MS Word erstellt.
    Technisch gesehen alle Achtung!
    Zum anderen Thema:

    lg thehell-e
  • Peter van Stigt 20/01/2007 1:17

    Thanx for your reaction, really. Now I could do the political thing and aim for approval from everyone, but I won't. I'm not aiming for the Galerie section. Sadly, I was part of the same experiences you seemed to have witnessed.

    This image is just an experiment that more or less got out of hand and, since I'm into military jets, it became one of those. Does it tell you I'm militaristic or pro-war? Not in the least. I'm opposed to war and can't think of anyone in my environment thinking the other way.

    Sadly in this world, stuff like this, besides being abused by some, is needed for you to provide you with the liberty to be moralistic about it. Like a former colleague of mine stated: "I may disagree with your opinion but will defend to death your right to express it."