20.306 45

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Marsh Frog

The Marsh Frog is native to Europe and belongs to the family of green frogs.

It’s a striking animal, capable of living both on land and in water. With its long powerful hind legs, it is the fastest amphibian !
The placement of the large eyes allows the frog to see predators without moving the rest of its body.

Depending on its habitat biotope, it can be found in various colors and patterns : mostly green, but also bronze, brown, and even a rare grey is possible.

The frog that I shot was pretty good camouflaged between the dense vegetation but nevertheless I spotted him.
Lucky for him, I'm not a heron....... :-))

Dutch name : Meerkikker
German name : Seefrosch
Latin name : Pelophylax ridibundus

Commenti 45

  • alexander stefanatos 16/06/2015 10:50

    Amazing shot,Mark! Technically perfect exposure but what is really striking is that, despite his immaculate camouflage, and judging from his cautious side glance he himself seems well aware of your camera but, possibly flattered, he poses nicely!..
    I fully enjoy your forest photos.
    friendly regards
  • Inez Correia Marques 15/06/2015 12:16

    super close up!!they are so beautiful
    I admire all the details on their skins
  • Jürg Scherrer 14/06/2015 19:06

    Hi Mark -
    A wonderful macro of this Marsh Frog.
    Wish you a nice end of Sunday and best new week!
    Kindest regards.
  • Gaby Falkenberg 14/06/2015 10:55

    Einen guten Moment hast du erwischt,
    super kommen die Augen des Frosches im Licht zur Geltung.
  • Josef Kainz 14/06/2015 10:00

    Gut festgehalten tolles Bild
    vg josef
  • Sylvia Schulz 14/06/2015 9:36

    Den hast du ausgezeichnet fotografiert,herrlich der Blick
    LG Sylvia

    Gesendet vom iPad via fotocommunity App
  • Günter Nau 14/06/2015 8:23

    Wunderbare Darstellung des Wasserfrosches. Die Schärfe ist nicht zu übertreffen, Belichtung hervorragend.
    Grüße Günter
  • Die Mohnblumen 14/06/2015 6:51

    Ausgezeichnete Aufnahme.+++++
    Wir wünschen Dir einen schönen Sonntag.
    Liebe Grüße
    Heike & Karl-Heinz
  • Gerlinde Gottschalk 13/06/2015 23:04

    Wow in einem fantastischen Licht hast du diesen schönen Kerl erwischt. Ich mag diese Tiere ganz besonders gern, nur schade, dass ich sie so selten sehe.
  • archiek 13/06/2015 17:29

    Excellent eyes to spot this frog and great camera work to capture him for all of us to see.
  • emen49 13/06/2015 17:13

    Ein ganz starkes Portrait... wunderbares Licht!
    Viele Grüße
  • Johanna C. 13/06/2015 16:59

    Wonderful capture, beautiful colors and very well spoted
    Wish you a very nice week end!
    Best regards, Johanna
  • Bernhard Kuhlmann 13/06/2015 9:47

    Toll sieht er aus, so vom frischen Grün eingerahmt !
    So gibt er ein wirklich schönes Bild ab.
    Gruß Bernd
  • Adele D. Oliver 13/06/2015 1:20

    he looks terrific with all his lumps and bumps and the big alert eye and the striking colours .... compliments for your excellent close and sharp and well lit portrait - how I would love to see a frog here !!!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Sabine Junge 13/06/2015 1:01

    Wonderful shot - it seems to me that this frog knows about its attractive green look.
    Like the closeness and sharpness of this pic.
