2.045 16

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Matchu Pitchu 2

South America Peru Cuzco
Matchu Pitchu plateau where the ruins of the Incas civilization rest.

Commenti 16

  • Christian Bertero 24/12/2013 10:22

    Fantastica inquadratura per uno degli spazi più eccezionali del pianeta. ++++++

    Grazie per la tua gradita visita e commento e TANTI AUGURI per te e famiglia. Con amicizia.
  • adriana lissandrini 06/12/2013 0:24

    Fantastica! what a wonderful place this enchanted climbed mountains!
    a realization excellent, very detailed in a beautiful b / w
    un abbraccio
  • rolvin 05/12/2013 23:28

    This is of course one of the most beautiful and imposing contemporary documents. Impressively photographed by you. Greetings, Roland
  • s. sabine krause 05/12/2013 14:30

    yes, that high vantage point – like an ancient inca god looking down on what's left of his people's civilization… i remember your image called "nearer to god": the inca probably had something similar in mind, when settling at the foot of the jagged mountains of machu picchu. apparently, the prospect of being close to one's worshipped god brings out the best in the architects: the beautiful design of their little settlement, the pointed roofs, seem to echo the shape of the revered peaks! another great monochrome image, alexander! its secret star is the rock, both in its raw untouched form of the mountains and in the man-made construction at their foot. greetings, sabine.
  • SINA 05/12/2013 12:45

    Was Alles Du mit eigenen Augen gesehen hast erstaunlich lieber Alexander
    In ein spektakuläres Foto von Dir gewandelt gratulation
    Herzliche Grüße
    Von mir
  • Carlo.Pollaci 05/12/2013 12:10

    Fantastico bw!
  • Harold Thompson 05/12/2013 11:12

    Lost city taken from your high view point showing it amongst the mountains
    :-)) Harold
  • alexander stefanatos 05/12/2013 10:01

    Temo, Cris, che le civita si uccidono dagli altri((conquistadores..)
  • ann mari cris aschieri 05/12/2013 9:03

    Le civiltà si uccidono fra loro. Sopravviverà la più crudele?
    Grande foto questa, bravissimo Alexander.
    CIAo! cris
  • Sue Thompson 05/12/2013 8:52

    TThe remains of an ancient ciivilization....in an almost inaccessible place. A superb shot with great details.

  • ThomSch 05/12/2013 8:39

    Very impressive; the composition and the editing of your picture makes it outstanding among most of the other photos of this widely photographed motive; kind regards Tom
  • Christine L 05/12/2013 7:06

    great view....
  • Glenn Capers 05/12/2013 4:41

    a very compressed image well done
  • ernesto haddad 05/12/2013 4:22

    bellísima Alexander ! saludos
  • Adele D. Oliver 05/12/2013 4:16

    such an impressive view from up above ... amazing craftsmanship so long ego ... and excellent the textures and tonality in your capture !!!
    greetings, Adele


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