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Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year!

11.591 9

Berthold Klammer

Premium (World), near Aachen

Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year!

This year was in privat manners very challenging and exhausting for me so that I had almost no time for photography (and fotocommunity).

Despite all the changes and challenges in the world - hitting almost everyone more or less - we should not lose our hope for better times and keep our dreams alive.

Therefore this is a "must do": I wish all of you as far as possible "A Merry Christmas Time And A Happy New Year 2023"!


Commenti 9

  • Dragomir Vukovic 23/01/2023 23:44

    all the magic to you Berthold !!!
  • ibiART 31/12/2022 19:14

    Ich wünsche Dir zum Jahreswechsel gutes licht und viele Kreative Ideen, ein erfolgreiches Fotojahr, friedvolles und ein gesundes neue Jahr.
    Liebe Grüsse von Ibi
    • Berthold Klammer 01/01/2023 15:49

      Hi Ibi, herzlichen Dank für deine guten Wünsche zum neuen Jahr! Auch dir persönlich wünsche ich, dass 2023 dir viel Positives beschert, vor allem Gesundheit. Nach über einem Jahr „Foto Abstinenz“ hoffe ich dass 2023 mir hierfür wieder mehr Zeit lässt.  LG Berthold
  • Adele D. Oliver 13/12/2022 0:30

    thank you, dear Berthold ... your card is beautifully
    created with moving words accompanying it ... I too
    wish you all the best for the festive season and the
    New Year !!
    warm regards,
  • Zina Heg 12/12/2022 17:55

    Thank you so much for this wonderful card and words - its really a great picture...
    I wish you also all the best, Zina
  • Pilaber 12/12/2022 16:15

    You're very early, I'm sure you have the best reasons for it, thank you very much for your wishes, your beautiful picture and nice text.
    All the best from me too, Patrice
    • Berthold Klammer 12/12/2022 18:22

      Dear Patrice, yes it might a bit early now, but I fear not having enough time before and forgetting it (yes I‘m still a bit short with time and hope to relax a bit later). I wish you the best!!!! Berthold
    • Pilaber 12/12/2022 18:39

      Thanks for the reply Berthold, stay cool and have a nice Christmas


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