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Mewer has his stitches removed...

Mewer has his stitches removed...

15.815 2

Steve Ember

Premium (World)

Mewer has his stitches removed...

Mewer is a neutered male domestic short-hair once-upon-a-time-shelter-cat, thought to be perhaps 16 or 17 (although he probably doesn't think so!). He was having repeated medical emergencies over the past several months due to low potassium caused by hyperaldosteronism, a condition that causes both hypertension and the failure of the body to retain adequate potassium for proper muscle function.

He underwent surgery earlier this month to remove a mass
on his right adrenal gland, suspected of causing the condition.

His tummy was stapled shut after the adrenalectomy, performed by
Dr Daniel Brehm at SouthPaws Emergency Veterinary Hospital in Fairfax, Virginia.

Mewer has been making a remarkable recovery at home, and today it was time to bring him back for removal of the staples in his "tummy-zipper." His human was allowed to watch as the staples were removed.

Many of the doctors and nurses have told me what a good patient Mewer is; and today, courtesy of Nurse Rebecca, who is removing the sutures while her assistant holds Mewer, I was able to see for myself what a trooper he is. Not a hiss, growl, struggle or whimper. What a guy. He has even tolerated his surgical collar remarkably well, but I am certain he will not miss it.

Oh, yes, check out those whiskers!

©2017 Steve Ember

Steve Ember

Commenti 2


Cartelle Cats
Visto da 15.815


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot SD800 IS
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 4
Tempo di esposizione 1/25
Distanza focale 9.1 mm
ISO ---

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