1.918 6

mice are nice ;-)

so, da is es, mein erstes foto - weil ich endlich ne digicam hab *g* olympus c350 zoom

-ohne ebv-

Commenti 6

  • Hirnbeere 19/04/2005 22:41

    Hehe, nettes englisch ("on the rand of a red becher") *g*
    Das Bild ist mal was anderes. Quasi ein Experiment mit der Tiefenunschärfe :)
  • Jan Borowski 16/03/2004 21:26

    Okay, me goes a light up ;-)
    Thank you so much an maybe you might want to have a look at my gallery? But you won't find mice :)
  • Lisa R. G. 16/03/2004 21:14

    ok, ich glaub I have to explain the whole thing...
    the mouse is sitting on the rand of a red becher in front of a lampe.. and I couldn't knips the whole mouse, because I had to halten her at her schwanz
    is everything klar now?
  • Jan Borowski 16/03/2004 20:27

    Ok, then I take everything back und behaupte the opposite *g*
    Und wüsste mal gerne, was das für ein heller Streifen rechts auf mittlerer Höhe ist. That does not belong to the mouse I think?!
  • Lisa R. G. 16/03/2004 19:59

    haha *gg* von focusing hab ich schon ma was gehört..
    have you ever heard of 'art'? ;-) das hier is intentional!

    nice gruß back und trotzdem thanks für deine anmerk!
  • Jan Borowski 16/03/2004 19:00

    But this mouse is unfortunately unsharp *g* Maybe you should try focussing correctly :)
    Nice Gruß