5.961 2

Moray - Perù

Moray (3,500 meters of altitude) lies 74 km from the city of Cusco.
It is famous for its sunken amphitheater ( That wasn't a theatre ), made up of circular terraces which appear to disappear into the earth like an artificial crater.The site was apparently an Inca agricultural research station designed for experimenting with crops at various altitudes (some of which run down to depths of 100 meters).It is believed that the terraces, built over containing walls filled with fertile earth and watered by complex irrigation systems, enabled the Incas to grow more than 250 plant species.
They started to put the plants on the lowest level (first circle ) that was the most sheltered and warmest level, after some year they put the same plant on the second level and so on year after year...In this way they acclimated the plants to grow at those heights and temperatures...

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