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München Olympiapark - Olympiastadion - 03

München Olympiapark - Olympiastadion - 03

4.793 2

Maarten de Waard

Premium (Complete), Schiedam

Commenti 2

In questa foto, Maarten de Waard desidera ricevere feedbacks costruttivi. Siete invitati a contribuire con consigli sulla composizione della foto, tecnica, linguaggio metaforico, ecc (Si prega di rispettare la netiquette!)
  • bstoffl 30/04/2020 5:13

    Repetitions are always intriguing but in the end a bit boring without a real focal point.
    I don't know whether you travel on your own or whether you have someone accompanying you, because this image would be much much better with a person in white or red clothing sitting somewhere at the top right.
    Cheers, Ben
  • Raimo Ketolainen 03/02/2020 9:28

    Hieman oikaistuna olisi parempi, jolloin ylärivikin olisi vaakasuorassa.


Visto da 4.793


Fotocamera NIKON D7200
Obiettivo 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6
Diaframma 16
Tempo di esposizione 1/100
Distanza focale 200.0 mm
ISO 400

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