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Music on the street III

Music on the street III

1.901 4

Josep A. Collado

Premium (World), València

Music on the street III

The Group of musicians and singers in Valencian (Catalan), from time to time organize joint actions of protest in the streets of Valencia, because the public authorities of the Popular Party of the city as well as of the Regional government, ignore them systematically, preferring to sign up musicians and singers in Spanish or in English.
Only an example: Al Tall is one of the best and veteran groups in Valencia. However, last month they spend more than ONE HUNDRED TIMES the Al Tall's cache in a show of a decadent star like Elton John (with all my respect to him and his fans).
psychoanalysts call to this self-hate.
political analysts, ethnic alienation .
No more words .......

Music on the street
Music on the street
Josep A. Collado

Music on the street II
Music on the street II
Josep A. Collado

Commenti 4

  • Josep Gil 05/07/2007 9:57

    Desconeixia que estigueren fent aquestos concerts, una llàstima el que comentes.
    Ara, no sé si continuarem amb la America's Cup i a més la fòrmula 1..., sembla la recreacó dels circs romans o les mega-celebracions populistes de règims no massa recomanables que permetien fer el que volien als interessats, mentre el poble estava entretingut.

    Saps si van a fer més concerts?
  • Cees Kuijs 04/07/2007 10:16

    Good expression you`ve captured, Josep !!
    Greetings, Cees
  • PINDORIUS 03/07/2007 17:48

    trist però real, i la gent tornarà a votar, potser només es recorda la part folclórica de les tradicions i la cultura. Estem matant les nostres arrels.