Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

My Favourite View - in the Snow

March 2009

We had a freak snowfall - I rushed to VanDusen Gardens and captured a few scenes - the snow was all gone over the next 24 hours. I could not show these images because everybody was so sick of snow then.

My Favourite View - in June
My Favourite View - in June
Adele D. Oliver

My Favourite View - October
My Favourite View - October
Adele D. Oliver

My Favourite View - yesterday
My Favourite View - yesterday
Adele D. Oliver

My Favourite View - Now
My Favourite View - Now
Adele D. Oliver

........ Best wishes to all for your Sunday - and thank you for your many comments!!! .......
Thank you so much for this unexpected recommendation for the gallery, Ybou.
Mercy beaucoup, Yvon, pour cette preposition surprenante!! Quebec - la belle Province - je me souviens (2003).

Commenti 136


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Galleria (Natura)
23/01/2010 90 Pro / 10 Contra