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Never Ending Journey

Never Ending Journey

23.428 8

Regis Eye On Nature

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Never Ending Journey

One of the greatest spectacles on planet earth is the Great Migration of the wildebeest or gnu. It’s one of those things that belong to the once in a lifetime events.
The mere sight, not to mention the incredible and unmistakable sound, of the hooves of more than 1.5 million wildebeest, 500,000 zebras and Thompson’s gazelles in their migratory motion is a breathtaking experience in itself.
For the animals, the Great Migration is a grueling, relentless and dangerously never-ending journey as huge herds of grazing wildebeest traverse the endless Serengeti/Mara plains in their relentless pursuit of fresh green vegetation.
Rain and drought drive the huge herds to new pastures where fresh youthful grasses await them. As they migrate, the animals move forward in large numbers, crossing vast plains and hurling themselves from steep rocky riverbanks into dangerous rapids. Hippos and crocodiles from both the Grumeti and the Mara await their prey in these rivers. In addition, there are the apex predators that closely follow the herds and once they dare to cross the river they can quickly overpower and kill them on the banks.
Huge clouds of light mingle with dust, causing utter devastation, favoring their assailants. During these crossings it often happens that animals break their necks or legs and they become easy prey for hyenas, lions or leopards.

Before my next expedition to The Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and PNG, we have been able to finish our brand new 3D virtual gallery. Interested? Have a look :


Commenti 8

  • Uli Aßmann 17/07/2022 10:25

    A stunning shot of these always spectacular crossings through the Mara!!!
    Class presented especially in this panoramic view.
    Many shots of the Crossings are with me in the memory - but in this light with the huge dust cloud over the wildebeest I have not yet seen and is already terrific - a pure dynamic is in the air. Congratulations, Regi
    • Regis Eye On Nature 14/08/2022 8:06

      Hi Uli, I just returned from a long trip in south east Asia and was not able to reply earlier. The trip had some highlights such as philipinne eagle and langedours in Vietnam  ,but loads of rain avoid to achieve what I had in mind with the birds of paradise in papua where I spent 18 day's in the mountains and had very ,very poor results , but again , nature is and was the major and deciding factor .Thanks for your comment and I sincerely hope you withness  this kind of spectacle as a frequent visitor of africa's mara or Serengeti  , as with many things in photography  once more nature was at that moment in favor and  place, timing ,luck  and weather came together and made it possible  to achieve this image , Wish you luck. Regards Regi
  • CarliG 09/06/2022 12:44

    Große Klasse !!
    LG CarliG
  • PaparazziAndMore 09/06/2022 0:00

    GENIAL! *****
    VG Dieter
  • Robert Goppelt 08/06/2022 14:29

    I know a lot of pictures of the migration.
    But this captivates with the light and design.
    When looking at it, it feels like sin on the spot.

    Best regards Robert
    • Regis Eye On Nature 08/06/2022 15:17

      Robert , makes me happy you like it , being on the right place and the right time helps a lot in what we want to achieve , regards Regi


Visto da 23.428


Fotocamera Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
Obiettivo EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Diaframma 10
Tempo di esposizione 1/1250
Distanza focale 67.0 mm
ISO 800

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