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Oben - "This Side Up"

Oben - "This Side Up"

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KoolGirlieStuff Photography Tom Eitnier


Oben - "This Side Up"

Leitz Wetzlar "Oben" Filter
Model: 1946 "Half Race" bearing Leica IIIC
Camera: Sony CD500
Leica Fotographie at it`s finest....with my trusty 1946 Leica IIIC "Half Race" bearing shutter camera
(delivered to the US Army on the 13th of February 1946
*US Forces Germany, Frankfurt)
with matching original f3.5 50mm Elmar lens with a
Graduated Yellow filter
(used especially in snow scenes usw.)
and original era Leitz FISON lens shade

*Just one of the many 1945/46 "Kugellager" and
"Half Race" bearing US Army Leica IIIC`s that I USE everyday in my PinUp Photography*

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