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On a Downtown 6 Train - A New York Moment

On a Downtown 6 Train - A New York Moment

38.610 32 Galleria

Steve Ember

Premium (World)

On a Downtown 6 Train - A New York Moment

One of those fleeting moments New York - and certainly the Subway - provides...

As I recall, there was time to grab only three or four frames of this Subway-moment, and the one I chose to present (*) had a more edgy dynamic to it. But, in gathering some images for a new project, I was pulled back to this companion moment which I decided I also like - for its poignancy. In the image I originally presented, the woman on the right was looking down at her smart phone. But what makes this moment "special" for me is her empathetic expression as she views her fellow passenger...something not always seen among Subway riders, in my experience.

This is the photo's first appearance.

©2023 Steve Ember

Best Friends on a 6 Train - A New York Moment
Best Friends on a 6 Train - A New York Moment
Steve Ember

Commenti 32


Visto da 38.610


Fotocamera Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 7.1
Tempo di esposizione 1/160
Distanza focale 86.0 mm
ISO 6400


Galleria (Persone)
27/10/2023 46 Pro / 34 Contra

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