On a Snowy Evening in Central Park - No.4
A bit of winter magic in Manhattan...
Although perhaps I should say "wintry," as technically it was still autumn,
when New York City saw its first snowfall of the season on December 9.
Fortunately, for this photographer, it was the magical kind of "photogenic snow" - the wet
kind that clings to tree limbs and coats streets, and sidewalks in an inviting white blanket.
Here in Central Park, a black carriage and a snow-white horse in the gently falling snow.
©2018 Steve Ember
archiek 15/01/2018 17:48
The scene is a great one with the nostalgia and romance. It was worth getting out in the snow to get photos like this.Regards, Archie
Adele D. Oliver 15/01/2018 2:47
a romantic scene ... beautiful in black and white !!!warm regards,
Carlo.Pollaci 14/01/2018 13:24
Lovely picture.Best wishes
Lucy Trachsel 14/01/2018 10:09
Very romantic. The passengers obviously preferred an umbrella to the canopy.