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On an Autumn Afternoon at Meadowlark

On an Autumn Afternoon at Meadowlark

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Steve Ember

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On an Autumn Afternoon at Meadowlark

Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Vienna, Virginia.

©2020 Steve Ember
On another autumn afternoon...

Lake Caroline, Early Autumn
Lake Caroline, Early Autumn
Steve Ember

Commenti 6

  • Adele D. Oliver 24/10/2020 23:08

    I am enjoying your images, Steve - please forgive that
    I rarely comment now !!! a beautiful autumn impression
    and ambience, splendidly captured.
    happy weekend,
    • Steve Ember 25/10/2020 1:25

      Thank you, Adele, and no apologies necessary. I know how busy we can all get...I'm happy to know you're still enjoying my images, and your comments are always appreciated.
      I was a bit "conflicted" as autumn colors so often make the case for color captures, but the soft light of this late afternoon and the setting itself was tugging on my black and white sensibilities ;-) Happy you liked!
      Wishing you a happy weekend as well, hopefully with abundant sunshine and those wonderful Pacific Northwest skies.
  • claudine capello 24/10/2020 13:51

    ottima composizione ma penso che l autunno da voi è piu spettacolare a colori ....complimenti un bel lavoro delicato cl
    • Steve Ember 24/10/2020 20:27

      Mille grazie, Claudine! I would normally agree with you, especially as, for the most part, Meadowlark Garden's many types of trees are displaying by now an abbondanza di colori (as you noted in commenting on the photo I linked - thank you!). However, late afternoon yesterday was presenting some rather diffused sunlight; and that, combined with the fact that these particular trees had not yet reached their autumn color peak, led me to think black and white might be a good alternative in representing the mood, and perhaps giving more prominence to the lines and textures I was seeing.
      Thank you so much for visiting my work - and for your always thoughtful comments, which I very much appreciate!