Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

On the Road to Cairo (6)

a typical way of erecting apartment buildings - I saw blocks and blocks of them, and we were told that people in general cannot afford to live in them ...

taken through the window of the bus

Commenti 17

  • lolita cecilia 07/02/2015 0:04

    Magnífica toma desde la ventana del BUS...!!
    Excelente foto-documento...
    Un abrazo Adele
  • Conny11 06/02/2015 22:50

    Ja... so haben wir Kairo auch erlebt..
    Klasse fotografiert.
    LG und einen guten Start ins WE Conny
  • José Ramón Miguel 06/02/2015 19:25

    La construcción no para en esa ciudad, ahí estçan los operarios de sol a sol, enorme la profundidad de la imagen definiendo el entorno.
    Un abrazo.
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 06/02/2015 18:46

    Great picture with a wonderful light and a perfect sharpness.
    best regards
  • adriana lissandrini 06/02/2015 18:41

    a great photo very interesting document,
    and for those who build these big buildings if people can not live there?
    hugs, Adriana
  • melkart (pepe jaime) 06/02/2015 17:32

    Un tratado de lo que no debe de hacerse en la seguridad de las obras de construcción. Besos Adele...buen documento
  • Alfred Schultz 06/02/2015 14:45

    In comparison to the pyramids
    certainly several more people can
    afford a place in there.
    Gruss - A.
  • Bea Buchholz 06/02/2015 12:04

    Schön wie du die Baustelle hier zeigst, gut von dir gezeigt.
    LG Bea
  • MICHAEL stüben 06/02/2015 10:39

    Aus der Ferne besehen sind das ja fast
    solche Bauten wie bei uns....
    Nun sind wir ja nicht unbedingt das Vorbild für die Welt.

    Vielleicht sind es gerade wir die crazy sind......

    We have....
    Sunshine today.....
    4° negativo.....

    Greetings Michael
  • Christian Villain 06/02/2015 10:27

    Ce qui me surprend toujours dans ces pays, c'est que les immeubles ou maisons ne sont jamais complètement terminés .
    Beau cliché documentaire .
    Bravo .
    Amitiés et bon WE .
  • Mark Billiau. 06/02/2015 9:03

    Hopefully they build these apartments for a good reason, otherwise it's a waste of money...

  • Gerrit Elshof 06/02/2015 8:57

    Das Geländer bringt ein interessantes diagonalen Linienelement ins Bild. Ich mag dazu das unruhige Auf und Ab der Horizontlinie.
  • Mauro Tomassetti 06/02/2015 7:24

    Interesting erecting of this building and good photo!
    Hugs Mauro
  • Pierre LAVILLE 06/02/2015 7:07

    Superbe !!
    Amitiés bises Bonne journée
  • archiek 06/02/2015 5:15

    Nice photo of the construction of this building. If the people cannot live in them, who does live in them? And who can afford to build buildings that cannot be rented out or sold? Looks like lots of tall buildings in the background.


Cartelle Egypt, Nile, Petra
Visto da 940


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Obiettivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diaframma 4
Tempo di esposizione 1/800
Distanza focale 6.0 mm
ISO 80