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On The Side of The Road

On The Side of The Road

4.636 2

Richard Thorkildson

Free Account, Seattle

Commenti 2

  • Roberto Heredia 14/07/2013 1:26

    Good image b&w.

  • s. sabine krause 12/07/2013 8:04

    : ))) i'm smiling because the old dinosaur reminds me of the carp i recently tried to portray: same pout! ; ) great capture of the wayside veteran rusting away in the grass. with the lichens growing covering its hood like barnacles it looks a bit like a leviathan of the deep! i like the monochrome rendering here, it adds yet another touch of melancholia to the image! greetings, sabine.


Visto da 4.636


Fotocamera NIKON D90
Obiettivo 18.0-70.0 mm f/3.5-4.5
Diaframma 5
Tempo di esposizione 1/80
Distanza focale 48.0 mm
ISO 400