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Oregon | lost dreams |

Oregon | lost dreams |

3.636 12

Matthias Moritz

Community Manager, Hambergen

Oregon | lost dreams |

When we visisted the Sherman County Historical Museum in Moro, Oregon, we learned a lot of interesting facts about Oregon´s history. First the pioneers from the west crossed this area heading fast into the fertile Willamette Valley. Only as they felt crowded a few years later, one or the other turned back eastbound to settle on the high and dusty plateaus to grow grain. This very day the people here are hard workers to make a living. The crop can be raised only every two years. Every other year the land lies fallow, gathering moisture for the next crop.

Sometimes it doesn´t work long enough.......

July 2013, Oregon, RAW to JPEG by Adobe Lightroom

Oregon | wide skies |
Oregon | wide skies |
Matthias Moritz

Commenti 12

  • Aldieb 08/09/2015 9:04

    Superr !!! UV has a causative power.
  • Mick K. 11/05/2015 4:24

    Great composition that conveys
    the feeling of the place.

    cheers, mick
  • Christos Banos 18/02/2015 22:19

    Great landscape!
  • odeveld219 08/08/2014 17:40

    A well chosen topic! It is typically American...the old barn, the dead tree...Along with the blue sky and clouds is a beautiful whole!!
    With friendly greetings, Odeveld
  • s. sabine krause 24/11/2013 16:48

    love the atmospherical "mixture of moods" here! on the one hand, there's this genuinely american "home turf feel": a glowingly blue sky looking down on the bleached grass of a big country – "little house on the praire" revisited… but then there's also a sense of despair and abandonment, due to the dead tree and the same colored barn/cottage with its pitch-black, hollow windows. greetings, sabine.
  • Agelos Kardamilas 19/11/2013 9:06

    EXCELLENT composition and colors
  • gemblue 18/11/2013 0:35

    So nicely captured, this abandoned home, it makes one think of the hard life the poeple must have led out there in this big wide open land - a bid to lonely for me, but nice to look at.
    Greetings, Gi
  • Adele D. Oliver 17/11/2013 22:21

    ghost villages, abandoned homestead ... always sad but interesting, and in your image beautifully captured with the trees as a "frame".
    greetings, Adele
  • Ilse Jentzsch 17/11/2013 20:12

    Das weckt Erinnerungen, denn von Washington nach Kalifornien bin ich die ganze Küstenstrecke Oregons entlang gefahren.
    Eine gute Doku, denn solche völlig verlassenen Orte gibt es in Washington auch einige.
    LG Ilse
  • Terje Nicolaysen 17/11/2013 20:11

    very Beautiful landscape ! Great colors and light
  • Lichtbilder - Holger Sauer 17/11/2013 19:00

    hier ist die Gegenwart nie angekommen...
    verwunschen - aus einer anderen zeit.
    lg Holger
  • Klaus Kieslich 17/11/2013 17:42

    Wunderbares Landschaftsbild
    Gruß Klaus


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