5.640 10

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Past Glory

Greece ArgoSaronic Bay Aegina
Aegina is a biggish island in the ArgoSaronic Bay. Due to its vicinity to Pireus(port of Athens) it has a long history and many beautiful old houses of neoclassical style. A mishap of it's vicinity to Athens, is becoming loaded with tourists during the summer season.
Immediatelly after the end of our War for independance(1821-1828) and for two years(1828-1830), Aegina was the capital of the liberated country.
In the photo the Aegina Port.

Commenti 10

  • Cecile 20/08/2014 16:35

    Wonderful picture, it looks like a kind of painting.
    I like it !
    best wishes, Elfi
  • Harald Ferber 16/08/2014 20:54

    Very nice picture, it looks like a kind of painting, I like it!
    Kind regards Harald
  • SINA 10/08/2014 6:44

    Very NICE Alex......
  • LadyNoone 09/08/2014 21:16

    Wonderful picture with breath of a history. I'd like to have such image on the wall above the desk when I'm working. This view restores proper proportions of affairs...
  • Lawson McCulloch 09/08/2014 15:40

    Wonderful colours in this very beautiful shot Alexander.
    best wishes,
  • Tassos Kitsakis 09/08/2014 1:12

  • catherine Berthe 08/08/2014 20:37

    très jolie carte postale!! amitiés catherine
  • Harold Thompson 08/08/2014 9:01

    Highly populated area with the many intriguing shapes and busty harbour front Colourful
    :-)) Harold
  • Adele D. Oliver 08/08/2014 8:46

    an almost painterly scene with these colours and dramatic sky ... a very picturesque view onto city and harbour and looking romantic and somewhat nostalgic !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Sue Thompson 08/08/2014 8:27

    This picture makes me think of a very good pen and ink drawing that has then been hand coloured. At first glance I was not sure if I liked it, but it is one of those pictures that needs to be looked at and enjoyed.
    It is different and I like it, very much.
