2.619 14


Premium (Pro), Barcelona, Catalunya

Perfil I

To Adele, thankfuly

30 d'octubre de 2011
Canon EOS 40D, objectiu EFS 70-300 mm f/4.5-5.6 DO IS USM

A veces, por entre la rendija que forma la estrecha distancia que separa a dos cabezas de turistas en una banqueta del piso superior de un autobús turístico, asoma un rostro sereno, con un perfil que se recorta al sol de media tarde, y que se presta sin saberlo a ser modelo de un retrato que deja muy satisfecho al autor...
A veces suceden esas cosas...
A veces...


Sometimes, between the narrow slot formed by the short distance between two heads of tourists on a bench in the top floor of a tourist bus, you can discover a serene face with a profile that stands out against the afternoon sun, and she unknowingly provides a model for a portrait that makes the author very satisfied ...
Sometimes these things happen ...
Sometimes ...

Commenti 14


Cartelle Retrats i anatomia
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Fotocamera Canon EOS 40D
Obiettivo EF70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 DO IS USM
Diaframma 5.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/40
Distanza focale 285.0 mm
ISO 100