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Persevering though Time

Persevering though Time

16.983 5

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Persevering though Time

She is an elder, a woman, a grand mother, and even a great grandmother. She can count the steps from point to point, and know when to rest when her haul becomes too heavy. Everything in her daily life is planned out. She even has the varicose veins in her muscular arms to show that she has even endured dehydration while ascending and descending with loads from the fields or general markets. Her balance and spirit has been forged from the dreams she has attained and failed at while learning how to walk one step at a time and bend to the weight one must endure because there is no way out. One's life is what it is. She will literally go until she can no long make the walk through time.

Commenti 5

  • Tania Skaradek 29/08/2014 13:09

    This woman with her strong arms and light smile for me is associated with the Atlanteans, who hold the sky. She holds the sky above her family ... and will do that till her last breath ...
  • JOKIST 26/08/2014 20:04

    Ganz großes KINO !

    LG Ingrid und Hans
  • Il commento è stato nascosto dal proprietario dell'immagine
  • Rolf Pessel 26/08/2014 12:42

    your are always close enough for a good picture
    LG Rolf


Cartelle Nepal
Visto da 16.983


Fotocamera Olympus EPL 5
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