Photo for their family album
Sintya, Dhita and their father Ngurah get shot by a memory photom for their family album after the holy ceremonym of Podong Gigi nthe tooth filing.
The ceremony after is conducted in the family home by a special priest, and is as lavish as the family can afford. The house is beautifully decorated in colorful textiles, and all the candidates dress up.
The ritual is often carried out together with other large family ceremonies and often in groups so that costs can be shared.
CarliG 16/09/2024 8:46
Strahlende Gesichter, der Vater mit etwas erstem Gesicht.Das Bild hast du richtig gut gemacht
LG CarliG
richardelmas 15/09/2024 3:37
Muy bueno, contrasta la sencillez de la vestimenta masculina y los ornamentos en las mujeres.Saludos
Herbert Rulf 14/09/2024 23:20
Der Vater lächelt milde, die Töchter tanzen ihm sowieso auf der Nase herum, nicht anders als überall in der Welt. :-)LG, Herbert
Benita Sittner 14/09/2024 19:40
...schönes Familienfoto...VLG Benita