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Pillars at the bottom of the world

Pillars at the bottom of the world

11.317 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Pillars at the bottom of the world

After an edition and correction of the colour this photo I set for new.

Sea columns at Cape Raoul nearby the Betsey Island.
The coastline of southern Tasman Peninsula is composed by this giant dolerite sea columns that protrude up to 300 metres from the sea. The distinct elongated shape are the property of the dolerite; a mafic rock that intruded beneath the surface of the earth as sill or as dykes.

Commenti 1

  • Günter Walther 07/08/2021 12:43

    Sehr eindrucksvoll diese Wand aus Basaltsäulen, hier hat wohl mal ein Vulkanausbruch stattgefunden, ein richtiges Naturdenkmal von eindrucksvoller Große.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein angenehmes Wochenende.
    MfG Günter


Cartelle Victoria a. Tasmania
Visto da 11.317


Fotocamera E5000
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 7.2
Tempo di esposizione 1/1250
Distanza focale 13.6 mm
ISO 100

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